Oktoberfest in München

München (aka Munich) has been holding Oktoberfest since 1810, with over 7 million litres of beer consumed. Quinn tackled 2 of those litres this year. We are currently on a trip to Austria to celebrate Elise’s birthday, but Quinn made us stop in München for a single day to take in Oktoberfest.

The festival itself is enormous, and we couldn’t help but take note of all the things that Capital Ex (er, K-Days?) could learn from the festivities. As expected, we weren’t able to get into a beer hall without an expensive reservation, but looking through the windows you can see brass bands, dancing, accordians, and all sorts of festivities. There was still plenty of beer to be had though, especially after we befriended a table of Italians! After a brief reluctance to give up the seats, they proceeded to try to feed us their giant pretzels and beer, and offer us smokes. They attempted broken English, and we laboriously made ourselves understood. We did our best to break the heavy-duty steins with prost (cheers), but they are indestructible.

Despite hundreds of thousands of people, Oktoberfest smells great because of nut-roasting stands everywhere. There are also giant spinning rides, which just seems like a bad idea after a few beers. Over half of the visitors are dressed in traditional lederhosen (men) and dirndl (women), check out Elise wearing dirndl in our photos. After some Bratwurst, chocolate-covered fruit, and all sorts of delicious food we made our way back to our Airbnb room. On to Austria and Mozart’s home! Elise is shaking with excitement.

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